Who We See

We are a boutique clinic offering comprehensive speech and language services at our office in Uptown Waterloo. We provide services to toddlers, preschoolers and school-aged children in need of speech-language assessment, therapy and/or consultation.


Concerns May Include: 


Language delay/disorder

e.g. delays in starting to talk, difficulties understanding, difficulties with vocabulary or grammar


e.g. difficulty with early reading and writing skills

Voice Disorders

e.g. voice sounds hoarse or “odd” compared to other children their age

Specific diagnoses

e.g. Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Delay, Hearing Impairment, Selective Mutism, among others

Speech Sound delay/disorder

e.g. difficulty being understood, difficulty making certain sounds or mouth movements, motor speech disorders, apraxia of speech


e.g. repeating sounds, words or getting “stuck” when talking

Socio-communication difficulties

e.g. difficulty using language to interact with others
